Results for 'Gamliʼel ben Leṿi Rabinovits'

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  1. Sefer Ṭiv ha-liḳutim: asefat maʼamarim mesudar le-fi ʻarakhim: meluḳaṭ mi-tokh sifre ḳodesh, ki mi-menu nilḳeḥu la-ʻavod H. ule-hitʻalot ba-mesilah ha-ʻolah bet E-l be-midot ṭovot, li-metso ḥen be-ʻene Eloḳim ṿe-adam.Gamliʼel ben Leṿi Rabinovits (ed.) - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Shaʻare ziṿ" she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat Shaʻar ha-shamayim.
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  2. Sefer Mevaśer ṭov: shaʻare ʻavodat H.: Adam le-ʻamal yulad.Betsalʼel Śimḥah Menaḥem Ben Tsiyon Rabinovits - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Megamah. Edited by Meʼir Yeḥezḳel ben Y. Ṿainer.
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  3. Even shelemah: di bashraybung fun derm Ṿilner Goen... oykh... zayne... talmidim: gam hobin mir matiḳ giṿen... inyonim... fun sforim fun Goen.Shemuʼel ben Avraham Maltsan - 1901 - Ṿilna: R. Yehuda Leyb b. R. Eliezer Lipman Mets zal. Edited by Jacob H. Schiff, Peter Wiernik & Benzion Alfes.
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    (1 other version)La journée du 8 mars 1965 à Alger.Catherine Levy - 1997 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:11-11.
    Ce témoignage écrit est le récit d'un 8 mars, très particulier, dans un pays aujourd'hui déchiré par la guerre civile, l'Algérie. Catherine Lévy a enseigné de 1962 à 1965 en tant que « pied-rouge » : on désignait ainsi les Français et les Françaises qui sont partis en Algérie après l'indépendance pour aider à la construction de l'Algérie nouvelle. Professeur au Collège Ben Cheneb à Alger, elle était militante à l'UGTA de Bab-El-Oued et a participé à la manifestation qu'elle décrit (...)
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  5. Izun ben hafakhim: asupat meḳorot meratḳim u-maʼashirim.Yiśraʼel ben Mosheh Yoʼel Fridman (ed.) - 2016 - [Israel]: Stimatsḳi.
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  6. Sefer ʻIdan ha-maḥshev u-leḳaḥaṿ: teʼur ha-teḳufah ha-ḥadashah otah pataḥ ha-maḥshev bi-fene ha-enoshut uvi-fene ʻam Yiśraʼel bi-feraṭ bi-reʼi ha-Yahadut.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim--Zikhron Tsevi.
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  7. Sefer Divre Ḥanina: ʻal Refuʼah U-Fiḳuaḥ Nefesh: Kolel Maśa U-Matan U-Veʼurim Be-Ṭipul Be-Ḥolim Sofaniyim.Ḥanina Yiśraʼ Roṭenberg & el ben Eliʻezer Sheraga - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Ḥanina Yiśraʼel Ben Eliʻezer Sheraga Roṭenberg.
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  8. Zariz ṿe-niśkar: leḳeṭ be-maʻalat ha-zerizut u-genut ha-ʻatslut.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1989 - Netanyah: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻal yad Merkaz ha-Torah di-Yeshivat Radin, Netanyah.
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  9. ha-Hitnahagut ʻim mi she-enam shomre Torah.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 2000 - Yerushalayim: Sifriyat Ḳesṭ-Libovits le-moreshet ṿe-shorshe ha-Yahadut.
    1. ʻArve naḥal, ḥashivuto shel kol Yehudi --2. Isur hitḥabrut ʻim reshaʻim--3. Ketsad la-ʻazor le-vaʻale teshuvah.
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  10. Sefer Reḳiaʻ ha-shamayim: teʼur ḥeleḳ mi-nifleʼot ha-Bore ba-yeḳum, bi-meʼorot ha-shamayim uva-aṭmosferah..Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Devar Yerushalayim.
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  11. Sefer Ketav emet: śiḥot u-maʻamarim, divre hitʻorerut ṿe-ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene limud ha-Torah ha-ḳ., musar, hashḳafah ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim.Refaʼ Kohen & el ben Yitsḥaḳ - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen.
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  12. Sefer Ketav emet: śiḥot u-maʻamarim, divre hitʻorerut ṿe-ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene limud ha-Torah ha-ḳ., musar, hashḳafah ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim.Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen.
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  13. Weisung für die Menschheit: von der Bedeutung des menschlichen Lebens.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1993 - [Jerusalem]: Jerusalem Academy Publications.
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  14. Sefer Tseva marom: u-vo ʻinyene mitsṿah ramah ṿa-ḥashuvah--milah.Tsuriʼel ben Eliyahu - 1989 - Bene-Beraḳ: Tsuriʼel ben Eliyahu.
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  15. Sefer Kavod Ha-ʻatsmi He-Ḥadash: ʻal Ḥashivut Hakarat Ha-Adam Be-ʻerekh ʻatsmo.Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon - 2004 - Devar Yerushalayim. Edited by M. Landsman, Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon.
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  16. Hadar zeḳenim: mitsṿat ḳimah ṿe-hidur--zeḳenim, talmide ḥakhamim ṿe-rabotaṿ shel adam: leḳeṭ ṭaʻame ha-mitsṿah, ḥashivutah ṿe-dineha.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1985 - [Jerusalem]: Devar Yerushalayim.
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  17. Pesiʻot bi-shevile ha-ḥayim: pirḳe hadrakhah be-sugyot ha-ḥayim.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1985 - [Jerusalem]: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim.
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  18. Sefer Hokheaḥ tokhiaḥ: inyene tokhehah ba-halakhah ṿa-agadah: ṿe-dine li-fene ʻiṿer lo titen mikhshol.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1990 - Yerushalayim: Devar Yerushalayim.
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  19. Sefer ʻIdan ha-maḥshev u-leḳaḥaṿ: teʼur ha-teḳufah ha-ḥadashah otah pataḥ ha-maḥshev bi-fene ha-enoshut uvi-fene ʻam Yiśraʼel bi-feraṭ bi-reʼi ha-Yahadut.Yoʼ Shṿarts & el ben Aharon - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim--Zikhron Tsevi.
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  20. Sefer Maʻadane Shemuʼel: maʼamre musar ṿe-divre ʻiyun... ʻarukh ʻa. pi seder ha-Hafṭarot..Shemuʼel ben Gad Ṭrubits - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Ṭrubits.
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  21. Sefer La-ḥazot be-noʻam: sefer ha-Midot: maʼamarim u-veʼurim be-takhlit midot ha-adam..Mosheh ʻAzriʼel ben Eliyahu Avraham Noifeld - 2014 - Ḳiryat Sefer, Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Mosheh ʻAzriʼel ben Eliyahu Avraham Noifeld].
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  22. Sefer Otsar ha-musar: śiḥot musar hagut hashḳafah ; mabaṭ ḥadash ṿe-ʻamoḳ be-agadot ḥazal ; leḳaḥim musariyim mi-pisḳe ha-Shu.ʻa.Mikhaʼel ben Yosef Perets - 2009 - Col. Tecamachalco, México: Mikhaʾel Perets.
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  23. ʻAmud ha-yirʼah ṿeha-ʻavodah: mi-toldot ḥayaṿ shel ha-g. ha-ts.... Yeḥezḳel Leṿenshṭain, zatsal..Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1995 - Yerushalayim: ha-Mosad le-ʻidud limud ha-Torah. Edited by Shelomoh Burshṭin.
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  24. Sefer Maḥazir ʻaṭarah le-yoshnah: maran peʼer ha-dor ha-gaʼon Rabenu ʻOvadyah Yosef, zatsal: tafḳido ha-meyuḥad shel maran be-ʻiḳveta di-Meshiḥa, liḳuṭim mi-torato be-ʻinyene ʻavodat H., limud Torah, midot u-musar.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Matan Torah". Edited by Mordekhai Sheraga.
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  25. Sefer Torat ha-adam.Shemuʼel ben Shalom - 1858 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  26. Ṿe-raḥamaṿ ʻal kol maʻaśaṿ: leḳeṭ be-ʻinyene isur tsaʻar baʻale ḥayim.Yoʼel ben Aharon Shṿarts - 1983 - [Jerusalem]: Hotsaʼat Devar Yerushalayim.
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  27. Sefer Zekher le-Ḥayim: bo yevoʼaru midrashim be-khol pinot pezurim, asefat amarim... ḥidushim u-veʼurim mi-pi sofrim u-sefarim..Mikhaʼel ben Yeḥiʼel - 1989 - Bene Beraḳ: Yeshivat Birkat Shemuʼel.
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  28. Sefer Ginze Rabi Naḥum: ʻal masekhtot ha-Shas.Naḥum Fridman, Daṿid Baharan, Shelomoh Yeḥiʼel Fridman & Shemuʼel ben Netanʼel Sofer Tefilinsḳi (eds.) - 2014 - [Bet Shemesh]: [Ṿarhafṭig].
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    Responsibility and Healthcare.Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford University Press USA.
    A volume with 14 chapters on various aspects of the relationship between responsibility and healthcare, plus a substantial introduction that offers a comprehensive overview of the relevant debates and how they relate to one another. Questions of responsibility arise at all levels of health care. Most prominent has been the issue of patient responsibility. Some health conditions that risk death or serious harm are partly the result of lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, lack of exercise, or extreme sports. Are patients (...)
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  30. Sefer Orḥot tsadiḳ: le-zekher ule-ʻilui nishmat... R. Ḥanokh Henikh ha-Leṿi Irenshṭain, zatsal.Ḥanokh Henikh Irenshṭain & Yehoshuʻa ʻUziʼel ben Avraham Mosheh Zilberberg (eds.) - 1994 - Bene-Beraḳ: ha-Merkaz le-ʻidud mifʻale tarbut u-meḥḳarim Toraniyim be-Yiśraʼel.
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    The wars of the Lord.Levi ben Gershom - 1984 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America. Edited by Seymour Feldman.
    v. 1. bk. 1. Immortality of the soul -- v. 2. bk. 2. Dreams, divination, and prophecy. bk. 3. Divine knowledge. bk. 4. Divine providence -- v. 3. bk. 5. The heavenly bodies and their movers, the relationships amongst these movers, and the relationship between them and God. bk. 6. Creation of the universe.
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  32. “A Sane Island in an Ocean of Madness”: A Case of Alternative Organisational Ethics Through Post-Growth Values.Ben Robra, Alex Pazaitis & Arnaud Levy - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Unprecedented runaway climate change and ecological degradation is argued to be caused by the dominant capitalist mode of production’s reliance on endless economic growth and capital accumulation. Businesses and organisations are expected to act in an ecologically and socially ethical way to help avert the crisis. Yet, there has arguably been little progress in this direction. The conventional ethical frameworks are generally subsumed under capitalism’s reliance on growth that effectively delegate business ethics to a peripheral and, often, contradictory pursuit, insufficient (...)
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    Introduction: Responsibility and Healthcare, An Overview.Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - In Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Responsibility and Healthcare. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 1-32.
    This introductory chapter offers an overview of the various ways that responsibility may be relevant to health care, in order to situate the chapters in this volume in their broader context. The chapter begins by outlining relevant concepts, and explaining why it is worth considering the role of responsibility in health care. The chapter then turns to various ways in which patients might be held responsible in a health care system, before considering objections to these practices. Finally, the chapter considers (...)
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    A Gentle Ethical Defence of Homeopathy.David Levy, Ben Gadd, Ian Kerridge & Paul A. Komesaroff - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):203-209.
    Recent discourses about the legitimacy of homeopathy have focused on its scientific plausibility, mechanism of action, and evidence base. These, frequently, conclude not only that homeopathy is scientifically baseless, but that it is “unethical.” They have also diminished patients’ perspectives, values, and preferences. We contend that these critics confuse epistemic questions with questions of ethics, misconstrue the moral status of homeopaths, and have an impoverished idea of ethics—one that fails to account either for the moral worth of care and of (...)
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  35. Milḥamot ha-Shem.Levi ben Gershom - 1923 - Berlin: L. Lames.
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  36. Sefer Yayin yashan: kelalim ba-ʻavodat H.... ; Sefer Mevaḳesh daʻat: kelalim be-ʻinyene hashḳafah ṿe-hilkhot deʻot..Yaʻaḳov Yiśraʼel ben Amnon Nisan - 2021 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?]: Yaʻaḳov Yiśraʼel Nisan.
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  37. Be-me ha-Torah: be-ʻinyene musar ṿe-agadah.Mikhaʼel Yeḥiʼel ben Yehudah Bodenhaimer - 2000 - Bene Beraḳ: Mikhaʼel Yeḥiʼel ben Yehudah Bodenhaimer.
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  38. Sefer Ḥeshev nevonim: maʼamarim niflaʼim ṿe-yesodiyim ba-halakhah ṿe-agadah.Barukh Yehoshuʻa Yeraḥmiʼel Rabinovits - 2016 - Yerushalayim: Mosdot Ahavat Torah. Edited by Natan Daṿid ben Yehudah Leyb Rabinovits.
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    Min ha-'ʻayin' el ha-'ani': ḳeriʼot ḳabaliyot be-mishnato ha-hisṭoryosofit shel ha-Rav Yehuda Leʼon Ashkenazi (Maniṭu) = From the void to the self: Kabbalistic readings in Harav Yehuda Léon Ashkénazi (Manitou)'s historiosophic teachings.Gavriʼelah Ben Shemuʼel - 2020 - Tel Aviv: Idra.
    Kabbalistic reading in harav Yehuda L(acute}e on Ashk(acute}enazi (manitou)'s historiosophic teachings.
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  40. R. Naḥman Ḳrokhmal.Asher Ben-Yiśraʼel - 1912 - Yafo: A. Atin.
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  41. (1 other version)Sefer MilÆhamot ha-Shem.Levi ben Gershom - 1560 - [Brooklyn?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
  42. Ḳunṭres ha-ḥayim: Shaʻare Aharon: ṿe-hu ḥizuḳ gadol la-Torah, yirʼat shamayim u-midot.Aharon ben Yaʻaḳov Betsalʼel - 1994 - Bene Beraḳ: A. ben Y. Betsalʼel.
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    Television programming: more diversity, more convergence.Els De Bens - 1998 - In Kees Brants, Joke Hermes & Liesbet van Zoonen (eds.), The media in question: popular cultures and public interests. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    Stability Analysis for Differential Equations of the General Conformable Type.Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, El-Sayed El-Hady, Salah Boulaaras & Mohamed Ali Hammami - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-6.
    Fractional calculus is nowadays an efficient tool in modelling many interesting nonlinear phenomena. This study investigates, in a novel way, the Ulam–Hyers and Ulam–Hyers–Rassias stability of differential equations with general conformable derivative. In our analysis, we employ some version of Banach fixed-point theory. In this way, we generalize several earlier interesting results. Two examples are given at the end to illustrate our results.
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  45. Sefer Shaʻar ha-melekh: ha-poteaḥ shaʻar le-dofḳe bi-teshuvah..Mordekhai ben Shemuʼel - 1997 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: B. Daskal.
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    Sefer Shaʻare Torah: bo yevoʼaru 28 kelalim be-ʻinyanim shonim uve-khol kelal u-khelal harbeh peraṭim mesudarim devar dibur ʻal ofnaṿ ṿe-ḥidushe Torah ṿa-halakhah be-sugyot ha-Shas.Binyamin ben Elʻazar - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Mifʻal moreshet Yahadut Hungaryah, Mekhon Yerushalayim.
    1. Ḥidushe sugyot -- 2. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot -- 3. Sugyot derushim.
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    Het recente beleid inzake de audiovisuele media in België.Els De Bens - 1990 - Res Publica 32 (2-3):299-311.
    During recent years, the audiovisual landscape in Belgium has been going through a number of drastic changes.The monopoly of the public broadcasting system, standing for over 40 years, was breached. Several hundreds of private radio stations, two new commercial television stations and a number of private local television stations saw the light. The advent of all these newcomers has created a competitive media system. Therivalry between the public broadcasting companies and the commercial stations is very severe and unfortunately the PBS (...)
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    Interhemispheric asymmetry of electrical activity of the brain in sleep and “cerebral dominance”.Michael S. Myslobodsky, Varda Ben-Mayor, Batia Yedid-Levy & Matti Minz - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):465-467.
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    Alternative IP Mechanisms in Genomic Research.Cheryl Power, Ed Levy, Emily Marden & Ben Warren - 2008 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 2 (2).
    This research is conducted by the Intellectual Property and Policy Research Group at the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia. It is part of the GE3LS component of the Genome Canada Project "Dissecting Gene Expression Networks in Mammalian Organogenesis," MORGEN, which is located principally at the British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The project is involved in upstream, basic genomic research. Part of this work includes the characterization of gene regulatory mechanisms (...)
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  50. Sefer Yede Mosheh ṿe-Torah or: bo mevoʼar kol maʼamre Ḥazal... le-limud To. ha-ḳ. ṿela-ʻasoḳ be-mitsṿot ha-Shem..Mosheh ben Shelomoh Elʻazar - 2000 - Bene Beraḳ: [Sifre Or ha-ḥayim]. Edited by Yo Ṭ. Lipa Yiśreʼelzon.
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